Marlieke Burghouts
Dancer Choreographer Teacher
We Have Never Been Human
“To become is not to attain a form but to find the zone of proximity, indiscernibility, or indifferentiation where one can no longer be distinguished from a woman, an animal, or a molecule- neither imprecise nor general, but unforeseen and non preexistent, singularized out of a population rather then determined in a form.”
(Deleuze, G)
We marginalize identity, try to keep it under ‘control’, place it in boxes and train our bodies to adapt to it. With this work I aim to push the ideas we have of bodies in connection to the concept of identity. I am trying to move away from (or beyond) the image society, but look inside the body and open up the organic body with all its flaws, orifices and desires. I am aiming to come to a body that is not bounded and inscribed by social codes but is free and animalistic. I am fading away boundaries to push boundaries.
‘We have never been human’ is an immersive video installation with a highly physical movement vocabulary.